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Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Wurstparenthese, 2012, sign, size variable | Say my name, 2009, door, wooden frame 560×76,5×10cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Mühsam ernährt sich das Einhorn, 2011, multi-channel projection, 86 slides (Weltaal) | Say my name, 2009, door, wooden frame
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Mühsam ernährt sich das Einhorn, 2011, multi-channel projection, 86 slides (Kann ich nicht nachverstehen, konstruktivistische Kritik) | Rosenkrieg, 2018, latex print on wallpaper, 110×80cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Mühsam ernährt sich das Einhorn, 2011, multi-channel projection, 86 slides (Schnittersilie, Lottovorhersage, Pi mal Auge, kann ich nicht nachverstehen)
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Rosenkrieg, 2018, latex print on wallpaper, 110×80cm | Mühsam ernährt sich das Einhorn, 2011, multi-channel projection, 86 slides (Eitersucht & Eifelkeit)
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Rosenkrieg, 2018, latex print on wallpaper, 110×80cm | Mimikry #14, 2020, inkjet print, 40×27cm | Knock Knock, 2021, latex print on wallpaper, 291×219cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Mimikry #14, 2020, inkjet print, 40×27cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Knock Knock, 2021, latex print on wallpaper, 291×219cm | Mimikry #14, 2020, inkjet print, 40×27cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Hooked, 2018, 3 Inkjet Prints, each 110×86cm, acrylic spray paint
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Kreisverkehr mit Ampel, 2018, inkjet print, 110×73cm, mirror column, 158×30×30cm, plant
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Hooked, 2018, 3 Inkjet Prints, each 110×86cm, acrylic spray paint
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Kreisverkehr mit Ampel, 2018, inkjet print, 110×73cm, mirror column, 158×30×30cm, plant
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Neighbours #1, 2020,
inkjet print, 94×62cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Neighbours #1, 2020, inkjet print, 94×62cm | Kreisverkehr mit Ampel, 2018
inkjet print, 110×73cm, mirror column, 158×30×30cm, plant
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Fremde Federn, 2020,
HD Video, 50:40 min loop, colour, sound
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Rückkehr der Tiere, 2021, installation, 13 framed inkjet prints (Max Doerfliger), 11 latex prints on wallpaper (Kathrin Sonntag),
original display case, plastic and cardboard boxes, text, 310×595×1380cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Im Depot, 2021 (Kathrin Sonnntag),
latex print on wallpaper, 195×140cm | Das Museum der Stadt Solothurn, 1979 (Max Doerfliger),
framed inkjet print, 42×43,5cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Im Depot, 2021 (Kathrin Sonnntag), latex prints on wallpaper 240×190cm, 164×132cm | Das Museum der Stadt Solothurn, 1979 (Max Doerfliger), framed inkjet prints, 42×43,5cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Das Museum der Stadt Solothurn, 1979 (Max Doerfliger), framed inkjet prints, 42×43,5cm | Im Depot, 2021 (Kathrin Sonnntag), latex print on wallpaper, 240×190cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Rückkehr der Tiere, 2021, installation, 13 framed inkjet prints (Max Doerfliger), 11 latex prints on wallpaper (Kathrin Sonntag),
original display case, plastic and cardboard boxes, text, 310×595×1380cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Das Museum der Stadt Solothurn, 1979 (Max Doerfliger), framed inkjet prints, 42×43,5cm | Im Depot, 2021 (Kathrin Sonnntag), latex print on wallpaper, 164×134cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Im Depot, 2021 (Kathrin Sonnntag), latex print on wallpaper, 216×172cm | Das Museum der Stadt Solothurn, 1979 (Max Doerfliger), framed inkjet prints, 42×43,5cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Das Museum der Stadt Solothurn, 1979 (Max Doerfliger), framed inkjet print, 42×43,5cm | Im Depot, 2021 (Kathrin Sonnntag), latex print on wallpaper, 127×102cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Rückkehr der Tiere, 2021, installation, 13 framed inkjet prints (Max Doerfliger), 11 latex prints on wallpaper (Kathrin Sonntag),
original display case, plastic and cardboard boxes, text, 310×595×1380cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
Glass Eye Witness, 2020, glass eyes (after Kathrin Sonntag), MDF pedestal, 93×26×26cm
exhibtion view, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
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